Friday, April 16, 2010


"If it has Tires or Testicles it's gonna give you trouble." - my coworker Kelly trying to make me laugh, which she did.

Thank you all so much for your wonderful comments. I felt so much better after reading them all. Knowing that there are so many other people on a similar path makes it so much easier to stick with the program, dust off my big girl panties and sham the fuck on. Because I must. Wallowing in my own filthy pity gets me nowhere in a hurry. Coveting thy neighbors thinness will in fact, not make me thin.

I am happy to report I've had a very successful week. I've been very diligent with planning my meals and writing everything down. I have not been stepping on the scale and I have decided I will not weigh in this week at all. I do not want to become obsessed with the number on the scale. Instead of attending my meeting on Tuesday, I will be going in on Saturday morning (tomorrow) and asking them not to tell me my weigh in results. I don't want to get discouraged with a big gain and I don't want a loss to mean I can fall off the band wagon and get away with it.

My mission in the next month is to learn to love my body. I even thought about having a naked month but I do believe that would send my ex-boyfriend who is now my roommate the wrong message. I no longer want to dodge the mirror when I'm naked, but stare at my body adoringly and believe it. I refuse to live my life hating my curves, hiding stretch marks and excess skin. In celebration of my luscious and curvy frame, I took this picture this morning in my favorite outfit at work:

What I looked like 3 years ago: (I'm the brunette) I've posted this pic before, but its the only one I can find from my fat era.

On a similar note I read a very interesting blog I wanted to draw your attention too. The opening line for her blog is "I'm on a mission here to let you know that fat people are not your enemy. And skinny people aren't your enemy either." It's primarily about Fat Acceptance. I know this sounds like an odd topic to bring up on a weight loss blog, especially since everybody reading is aspiring to lose weight. But hear me out. Fat or skinny, tall or short we all want to be loved and accepted. In turn shouldn't we also try and love and accepted the people around us regardless of their dimensions? I honestly wish that through my teen years and adulthood I was not reminded constantly that I was not the ideal size. I mean WTF is the ideal size anyhow? I'll never be the ideal size, whatever it is this week and I want to be accepted for that. So yes, her blog is about fat acceptance, but I think its about body acceptance. So check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Jeepers, I love your recent photo hello hourglass figure! You look stunning. I also really like what you say about acceptance, its a hard thing for me to do, but I'm trying to see that I am beautiful at any size.
    I'm so glad I found your blog, I really enjoy it, and also I am a fellow New- Westminster-er(?) so small world!


Comments loved and appreciated, each and everyone!