Monday, April 5, 2010


If hunger is not the problem, then eating is not the answer!

Hair: Pulled back in a clip, but wore it curly most of the weekend. GOLD STAR FOR ME!

Weight: 149! EEEEKKK!

Body Image: I look like a White Chocolate covered Gummy Bear. :(

No matter what I do, I cannot kick this cold. It has hung on like a fat kid to a doughnut. I am open to all your herbal remedies at this point! When I'm sick I tend to feel awfully sorry for myself and ended up self medicating with candy. LOTS OF CANDY. It all started with going to see Alice in Wonderland and going to Sweet Factory to get a "few" sweeties for the movie. I ended up getting a great big bag and ate half the bag during the movie and the second half the next day. I can't even begin to comprehend how many points were in that bag!

I also had 2 large pieces of pizza and a very greasy breakfast over the weekend. Oh and a whole bottle of wine. I have not been tracking the last 3 days (Easter Weekend) and it seems I am suffering from "Being this sick means I can lie in my bed all weekend and eat" syndrome. I did not walk anymore then to and from the couch. Why am I doing this to myself!

Today back at work, I'm starting on a clean slate. I am going to stay within my 21 points and already went for a walk at lunch. I hope to go on one more after work before dinner. I leave you with my motivational song of the day:

1 comment:

  1. Have you been eating a lot of garlic? My family swears on garlic to keep them healthy! I hope you feel better soon, and I love the song :)


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