Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Product Wednesday and Save None Music Video

There is nothing in my refrigerator that will fix a dented fender.

Hair: Still straight, I'm one of those people who don't wash their hair more than once a week

Weight: 148.6!!!!! I am THIN! I am no longer in the OVERWEIGHT CATEGORY!!!!!!

Body Image: but sadly I still feel fat.

My weigh in shocked me yesterday. I have seriously been off plan for a couple weeks realistically. I've still been watching what I eat but I'm not counting points. Boy was I surprised when my leader said you've lost 1.6 pounds for a grand total of 8.8 pounds! This means I have 13.6 pounds to go until I reach my goal weight. I'm terrified though. It is so difficult for me to get below 140. I've only been below 140 twice, once when I was 16 and once when I was 23. Can I do it? Keep in mind I DESPISE excersize. I have a very bad knee from a previous riding accident and I get shin splints like there was no tomorrow. I walk on my lunch breaks everyday for 30 minutes, but I am having a tough time sticking to my night walks 3 times a week. *sigh*

Now for New Product Wednesday. I am in LOVE with Arnold Select Sandwich Thins. Unfortunetly they are not found in Canada. This is another product I pick up over the border and freeze. It's worth every penny and every dirty look from the border guards. They are 100 Calories, 5g of Fiber and 0g fat making them only 1 point. Surprisingly they also taste quite wonderful. I just so happen to be making a sandwich with the Multigrain Sandwich thins today.

Another shameless plug. Save None has just finished their music video. For all you new readers out there, Save None is a local band (Vancouver, BC) playing tunes at some of the clubs here. They have an album called "Always, Never" and they are KICK ASS. Please check out their music video and website. If you REALLY like them, I'll send you a CD.


  1. Way to go! Excellent weigh in! You can definitley make it to your goal - look how far you've come already!

  2. Congrats on making it to the "skinny" category, I am close to being there..but not yet LOL

    I know what you mean about the number on the scale not always reflecting how you feel about yourself. I often feel much heavier than I actually am.

    Ps I am officially jealous that you can go a week w/out having to do your hair. If I don't shower every day my hair looks like a rat nest LOL. Darn thin hair of mine!


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