Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yes, that is a Cold Sore on my lip

Yes, I have a cold sore. It's big, it's red and I have nick named it Grossness Goo. If one more person in my office asks me about whats on my lip, I might actually have to bust a cap in someones arse! If any of you are the receievers of this wonderfully disgusting virus, you know that they just plain suck. They burn and ooze. I started my Lysine and Vitamin C regiment last night when I felt the tingle, but looks like it still reared its ugly head anyway. *sigh*

I didn't go for my walk at lunch today. I decided to have a lay down in the car as I didn't sleep a lot last night. I shoulda walked. Tomorrow, I promise.

I am still quite amazed I'm 148 pounds, seeing as I've been eating crapola the last 2-3 weeks. My mother thinks it's because no matter how much crap I eat, I still get in my Bran Buds and lots of fiber. Yah for Fiber, Fiber is your friend!

My food today:

Coffee with a splash of soy (I count no points on this as its literally a splash)
1 cup soy (2 points)
1/2 cup Special K Fruit and Yogurt (1 point)
1/3 cup Bran Buds (1 point)
1 All-Bran Chewy Bar EWWWW! (2 points)
2 Hardboiled Eggs (4 points
1 Tsp light mayo (1 point)
1 Sandwhich thin (1 point)
1/2 cup carrots (1 point)
1/2 cup yogurt (1 point)
1 apple (1 point)
Sushi (12 points)

Total: 27 points! Not 20 but thats ok, I just want to concentrate on tracking right now.

This brings me to the All-Bran Chewy Bars. These are honestly the worst fiber like ceral bar I have ever had. Its no chewy at all, it taste like cardboard and the sprinkling of chocolate chips on the top are just insulting. Save yourself $3 and STAY AWAY from the All-Bran Chewy Bars.

Last but not least, I started a new blog a little while ago called "I don't care too much for money." Documenting my journey as a starving student (starting school in September) I would love to have a couple followers so check me out!


  1. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me over. :)

  2. I left you an award on my blog...come grab it when you get a change. :)


  3. Or maybe when you get a "chance". ;)

  4. Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!!! It's amazing to see the pics, I love me some good inspiration!

  5. I've tried those chewy bars too and don't like them.

  6. Thanks for the award Sylvia! Made my day :)


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