Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My personal Life is taking over my Life

Hair: Pony tail again. I'm a little stressed out OK?

Weight: funnily enough I've remained at 148.6 for the last 4 weeks now

Body Image: What this old thing?

I've been stressed lately. Stressed and I've not been sleeping terribly well. This paired with my struggle to complete all my outstanding requirements for admission to the CDA program at my local college and my home life in chaos leads me to eat. Luckily it has not yet reflected in my weekly weigh-ins, but I am beginning to think its only a matter of time! My tracking has reflected that I am eating on average 6 points more then I should be. It's not terrible, but will most certainly lead to a gain.

On a positive note, I got my walk in today at lunch, but I ate one of those mini bags of Doritos which was a whopping 5 points for a little itty-bitty bag. It was sooo tasty! I am still eating my delish Vitamuffins and my Bran Buds every morning which I believe is directly contributing to keeping off the extra weight by keeping me regular. Yah for being regular! I am still drinking quite a bit of water as well.

Today I came across this beautiful image on someone's blog. I became quite sad as I began to wonder if I would every feel anything close to what this image portrays. I've been married before, and I remember loving the man I was with, but could I say I loved him like this? You know, that feeling that nothing could part you? Not God, not the Devil himself. Now as I was thinking this my mothers voice popped into my head "My dear, one must be realistic. These days, there is no World War sending all the men to battle. A great High comes with a great Low. Don't be so silly."

I'm wondering if the reason I don't feel all these romantic gushy feelings for Steve, is because he and I have never been placed in a circumstance where we've been forced to part. He and I live together and work together. I see him everyday almost all day. Rarely do we go more then a couple hours without seeing one another. Could it be possible that we have no chance to appreciate each other? I don't know. But I would like to figure it out and soon before I lose my mind.

My question this week is: How do you know when your still in love, when the Rose Colored glasses have come off?


  1. I know I am still in love because I cannot wait to get home and see my boyfriend after a day at work. Also, I have a bit of a scandalous relationship - my BF is 22 years older than me! We met when I was 19 - 6 years ago and I knew that I could easily love him forever when I first met him. However, we've kept our relationship a secret from our families (and we live together), so there are times when we have to spend weekends away from each other and during those times my heart hurts and I literally cannot wait to see him again.

    So maybe it is the separation that makes me appreciate him more - you raise an interesting thought. I'm still wearing my rose coloured glasses after 6 years - but there is lots of times when we're apart.

    Scandalous - I know!

  2. ...absence does make the heart grow fonder. My guy entered the fishing industry after a 10 year stint away from it and it has only helped us as a couple. Not that he didn't appreciate me before but now he's incredibly happy to be around me and his priority is making sure I'm happy. They appreciate you and everything you do for them so much more when they don't get to see you as much as they'd like. and I appreciate all the things he does for me and around the home. Since I don't see him as much I make sure I communicate those things to him, I think it makes a difference... and man do I hate dealing with the garbage. and the truck when it breaks down. among other things.

    j and I are as strong as ever now... 9 years has flown by and we both have admitted we still get butterflies when we're about to be reunited :)

  3. It ain't easy! When things suddenly go from "fabulous" to "normal" it's hard to tell if you've fallen out of love, or if you're just moving into that comfortable part of your relationship.

    For me, I know that I still love my hubby because when I wake up next to him in the morning, I still smile and think how lucky I am to have him there. It's the small things!


Comments loved and appreciated, each and everyone!