Friday, March 12, 2010

Over Eating

Hair: wavy puffy ponytail thing

Weight: 154 (but but but.....yeah I'm eating to much)

Body Image: I'm not where I need to be but thank God I'm not where I used to be (My favorite quote pretty much covers how I'm feeling today)

This week has been rough for no other apparent reason than I'm allowing it to be. I haven't been feeling 100%, it's been pouring rain from sun up to sun down, I've been losing orders left and right at work and I'm falling very far behind on house work. Normally I wouldn't let this pull me down, but this week I've been using it as an excuse to self medicate with extra food. Since Monday I've been eating 5 extra points on top of my 22 point allowance and I have no desire to do anything about it this week. In an effort to at least feel good about something other then my weight loss (which is NOT the center of the universe) I'm listing 5 items I truly believe I could not live without on my weight loss journey.

1. Bran Buds - My family is completely, totally and utterly plagued with constipation. Everyone thinks this is pretty funny, but if you were bloated and unable to use the loo all the time, you wouldn't think it was funny. I keep the bran buds singles in my purse at all times. With 9 grams of fiber per bag, they are essential!

2. Baby Carrots - Sweet, crunchy and satisfying. I eat at least a cup a day, sometimes more.

3. Bodywise Bagels - I also eat one of these a day. Only 2 points and way better then the Weight Watcher Bagels. Just lovely with a tablespoon sugar free jam and low-fat peanut butter.

4. Vitasoy Lite Vanilla Soy - I have a cup with my cereal and use it in my tea throughout the day. It's sweet and totally kills sugar cravings.

5. Jolly Time Kettle Corn Mini Bags - Only 1 point but very filling and satisfying.

What are your must have food items?

Here's to the weekend everyone! Remember life is not about dieting, but living healthy and being happy.

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