Monday, March 29, 2010

Monday Meanderings

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right.
Forget about those who don't. Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would most likely be worth it.

Hair: I straightened it against my better judgment *sigh* It rained!

Weight: 150.8 pounds (last night before dinner)

Body Image: Feeling like a spring lamb (I even frolicked to the car this morning)

I love spring. Something about this time of year warms my heart and soul. The weather changed numerous times on the weekend, from blinding sun to wind storms to sheets of rain. Nothing compares to having the weather match your mood, and lord knows I'm moody by nature. I must take more pictures when I'm out on my nightly walks. Last night Steve and I saw a floating object in the air that looked an awful lot like a drifting Ogopogo. Everyone I tell thinks I'm off my rocker.

I've been pretty much off program this week. I had a horrible sore throat for 3 days that kept me sleeping for the better part of the weekend. I did go over the border on Saturday to grab a bunch of "diet food" they don't sell here in Canada much to my dismay. I spent an obscene amount of money on food, but justified my purchases for the greater good of my waist line. My weigh in is tomorrow, and I do not expect anything more then a small gain. I predict +0.8.

I know its not New Product Wednesday but....I have a new favorite food that I have been buying in Blaine, WA. I love it sooo much that I am willing to sit in the border line up for 1 hour both ways to buy it. Hostess makes 100 calorie cupcakes in packs of threes. Each package has 3g of fat and 5g of Fiber making them only 1 point on Weight Watchers. I bought the only 2 flavors they had at Cost Cutters (Chocolate Cake with Creamy Filling and Cinnamon Streusel Coffee Cakes) YUM YUM YUM.

On the boyfriend front, Steve and I have still been spending quite a bit of time together, but on a platonic level. I'm going to stop talking to my friends about Steve, I don't think they need to know and quite frankly I think their theories are flawed. Both Steve and I never dated, we just fell into our relationship. We moved in together very quickly and I did what I always do, became another man's mother. I have this problem where I do EVERYTHING for the person I'm with instead of asking for help when I need it. My mother says I train my men to be lazy and I know I do.

Now I think we are courting each other again, and I quite like it. We spent Friday night on the floor of our kitchen drinking terrible wine and laughing about nothing. I had a lovely time. I no longer want to think about whether or not we're in love, if we are good for each other or if we are making each other happy. I just want to live moment to moment. I'm young, I don't have to have all the answers and I'm not in the running yet for marriage or a family.

My goals for this week are:

- Track everyday no matter what I eat this includes Bites, Tastes and Licks
- Walk for 1 hour after dinner 3 times
- Walk 30 minutes on my lunch break each day


  1. Love your attitute. You have to check out "the Secret" if you haven't already!

  2. Oh the secret, my mom pushed that book on me for months before I finally watched the movie on it, actually I watched the movie because I was in the states with Ben and had asked her to send a care package with my wedding crashers movie, she "accidentally" sent the secret instead so I figured why not and popped it in the dvd player.

    I want to thank you for the comments you left on my blog, The car thing is frustrating but you're right the weekend did only get better from there. To cap it all off it's a 4 day week this week and a long weekend coming up. So long as i don't eat my weights worth of Easter candy all will be good =D.

    I love your attitude as well. The quote at the start of your blog put me in a pretty good mood. I'm sorry you've been sick, and off your rocker or not I'd tell everyone if I saw a floating ogopogo too!

    Good luck on the relationship front, you sound like you know what is good and right for you. I'm sure whatever happens there it will work out for the best. I'm in an odd way where I'm very young and already married but I truly believe that this is who I'm supposed to be with and It's hard work to do that right now with boarder crossings and what not but it's worth it for me.

    Before I take over your comment box with a blog of my own I should probably stop. Have a great day =)


Comments loved and appreciated, each and everyone!