Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Old Pictures and New Product Wednesday!

My weigh-in last night went just the way I thought it would. I lost .2 pounds which is attributed to the fact I went pee right before my weigh in. I know my choices on the weekend are affecting my weight loss tremendously. All my flex points are being used in 2 days causing me to feel very bloated on Monday. My goal this weekend is to stay with in 30 points both Saturday and Sunday, only using 8 flex points each day.

Last night I was going through some of my old emails and I came across some pictures of my bridal shower in 2004 (I was 20) and the shots from when I tried on my wedding dress. I was somewhere between 220-230 pounds in these pictures. I cannot stress how miserable I was when I was at this weight. I couldn't go up stairs without holding the banister and often had to stop halfway. My sex life was dull because neither my ex-husband or I could muster up enough energy to make it interesting. My blood pressure and cholesterol were that of an overweight 50 year old. I hated having my picture taken and had lots of trouble finding clothes to fit me.

The picture below is my favorite picture of me. I'm the one in the red tank top, black pants. I just so happen to be at my lowest weight ever of 138 pounds. I was single at the time and had left my husband of 2 years 4-5 months earlier. I had stopped eating much for most of this time, convinced I would never find another man if I was fat. Unfortunetly because I was starving myself, it was very hard to keep up once I became comfortable in a relationship. Now that I am on Weight Watchers I find I am learning to eat properly without starving myself silly.

While cruising around online yesterday I came across something new that I just had to try. They are called VitaMuffins and VitaTops. They both pack 5-7g of fiber and just 100 calories making them only 1 point each! I tried both the Deep Chocolate Top and the CranBran Muffin and both are very tasty and filling for only 1 point. In Canada they are sold in Safeway, IGA and Shoppers Drugmart. One box of 4 is $4.98. My freezer will never been seen without these bad boys again. I've been buying the 1 point Weight Watcher Bars and find them small and unsatisfying. These new Muffins will now take there place.


  1. Hey at least the scale is moving in the right direction, right?
    Maybe you could switch your weigh in day to Thursday or Friday, and that way you can have your fun on the weekends and not have to worry about being bloated for the next couple of day?

    I love love love vita muffins and vita tops! So good. I heat them up in the microwave and they taste like cake. Yum! Plus I figure they are way better for you than the ww stuff.

  2. Hi there, I'm SweetSaryia on the WW boards. I love Vita muffins I actually have one in my desk waiting for my first break.
    It's very brave of you to put pictures up where you're not completely happy with how you looked at the time, good for you! I need to muster up the courage to actually do that but every time I try I start disecting everything wrong about them and then stop.
    I also really like the porfile picture you have up you look so happy =) good luck with your weight-loss.

  3. Amanda - the only weight watchers in my area has meetings on Tuesdays! Other wise I totally would.

    Jinny - I love before and after pictures. I'm not ashamed anymore of what I use to look like, it dosen't even feel like me anymore. I think pictures like that are inspirational.


Comments loved and appreciated, each and everyone!