Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Product Wednesday and Shameless Band Plug

Hair: wavy curly wish it wasn't so frizzy kinda messy thing. The picture is above.

Weight: Weigh-in was 150.2!

Body Image: For some reason I'm feeling kinda off today

I was very surprised to weigh in last night and find out I'd lost 2.2 pounds! I'm finally where I was last summer. I cannot believe that my massive binge on Wednesday did not effect my weight or all the drinking I did on Tuesday. I think the Weight Watcher gods were smiling on me for once. To celebrate I went for a walk after dinner and cuddle with my cats for 2 hours of Lost.

I still haven't figured out what the hell to do about Steve. We've been together for a little over 2 years and I have a sneaking suspicion I'm just not in love with him any longer. I can't seem to decide if I am ready to let go though. I know he loves me so much and I loved him so much not so long ago. Good men are hard to find, but do I want just any good man?

I tried 2 new products this week. The first I'm sure has attributed to this weeks weight loss. It's called True Lemon and it taste just like fresh squeezed lemon. It has 25% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C and certainly shakes things up with your water intake. Cost $6.99

The other item is Splenda Flavours for Coffee. I bought French Vanilla and Hazelnut. Both taste awesome! I use them in my Lattes on the weekend and boy are they tasty. Cost $6.29

And now for my shameless plug! Support your local bands! Ok well MY local band. I work with the drummer and seen them play a couple shows. Check out their my space, listen to their tunes. I have extra CDs so if you like their music...I MAY even send you a free CD.


  1. Awesome job on your weigh in!
    I hope you figure things out with Steve *hugs*

  2. Way to go with the weigh in.

    Make sure you listen to your heart - it will tell you what to do.

    Thanks for the post on my blog. I'm currently up on the Sunshine Coast - hoping to move down to Van soon. Once I get myself into "the City" meeting up would be awesome.

    Best of luck with everything!

  3. good work! This is an awesome way to get all the thoughts out. We're always changing, sometimes we don't realize we need change till it stares you in the face.

    you've done amazing with the weight loss! something to be proud of for sure.

    and in terms of hair products you gotta check out silk therapy it pretty much changed my life and my hair.

    talk soon xox mayne


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